
Our world -- so they say -- is full of a great many conspiracies, many of them perpetrated by the government. Did you know that aliens live on Earth, AIDS is a plot, harmful additives are used in our food, fabulous inventions and technology are being hidden, and there really are cures for cancer? Then there are the secret wars, assassinations, insurrections, and lots and lots of cover-ups. And, oh yes, I almost forgot -- Elvis is not really dead.


Conspiracy Talk and General Discussion

Don't look behind you. Don't say anything out loud. Just act natural. Okay, are you ready? There is a big conspiracy. It involves the government (particularly the CIA), the media and big business. I can't tell you the details here. These Usenet groups are the only safe places to talk. See you there.


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When we think of spies, what comes to mind are secret agents like James Bond. However, the original Bond lived in the post-World War II climate of the 1950s and 1960s. In those days, all he had to worry about was defending his country against foreign enemy governments. Today's spies live in the post-Cold War age of information, and have a much more complex job. Spying today has very little to do with putting away the bad guys and winning the heart of a beautiful woman. Today's spies are less suave and more nerdish, and worry about money, corporate espionage, and inside information. The embodiment of twenty-first century spying is Echelon, a comprehensive, automated system designed to intercept global satellite-based communications. Echelon was created by intelligence organizations in five countries: the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Echelon is so covert that the participants go to extreme lengths to keep even its very existence secret. But now, you know about it.


JFK Assassination

The whodunit of all whodunits. Just when you think you've seen all the JFK conspiracy material, someone compiles a whole bunch more. At these Web sites, you will find articles galore about every aspect of every assassination theory. New evidence is emerging all the time (from somewhere), so don't get left behind on this very important historical controversy.



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Mind Control

Is the government/CIA/police/your mother trying to control your mind? The question may seem ludicrous, but many people in the world are completely convinced that malevolent powers are trying to control them, even to the point of implanting devices in their bodies. Now, I have to say, it is well known that psychotics often feel that someone is trying to control them covertly; they may hear voices, think that the TV announcer is talking directly to them, and so on. These are symptoms of mental illness and a malfunctioning brain. Clearly, many of the mind control stories -- as real as they seem to the victims -- fall into this category. Still, did the government really run secret mind control experiments? See for yourself. (And if you still have the free will to carry on a discussion, try the Usenet group.)



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You don't have to wait until someone calls you before a Senate committee to start naming names. This Web site allows you to search for specific names that may have appeared in hundreds of investigative books and many related articles. For example, if you search for "Hoover, Edgar", you will see a list of various books in which J. Edgar Hoover is discussed.


Reverse Speech

Take off your skeptic's hat and listen to this. The theory of reverse speech asserts that, if you record what people say and play it backwards, you will pick up secret messages that were put there unconsciously. This is not the same as the backward messages that some musicians purposely put on their albums. Reverse speech is completely involuntary. The idea is that, if someone is trying to hide something, he or she will not be able to prevent it from appearing in their reversed speech. Needless to say, there is no scientific evidence supporting this theory. Still, there are people who take the time to record speeches by famous people, play the speeches backwards, and analyze them. Interesting enough, a lot of weird stuff turns up. (Are you surprised?)


Smoking Gun

Do you like the idea of seeing a secret dossier? Well, then, you'll love this awesome site, full of secret dirt on famous and not-so-famous people. Read the material gathered from court files and government sources, information that somehow doesn't get into the public media. When your curiosity exceeds the resources of the mainstream press, the Smoking Gun is the place to be.


Unsolved Mysteries

Here is a list of unsolved mysteries waiting for someone like you to solve. Look at pictures of fugitives and missing persons. Then read about the crime or disappearance. As you walk around, look at everyone you meet. You never know when you will recognize someone and solve a mystery. (If you have some spare time, you can help me track down the person who ate the last low-fat chocolate cupcake.)
