Adoption Adoption is both difficult and exciting. These sites offer information for anyone involved in an adoption: birth parents, adoptees and adoptive parents. You can find answers to general, legal and medical questions, information about adoption agencies and publications, and advice on foreign adoption. The mailing lists provide forums for discussing anything relating to adoption and are open to adoptive parents, adoptees, birth parents, social workers, counselors and anyone else interested in the adoption process. Web:
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Babies Babies want most of all to be fed, loved and changed. But when there's something wrong, it can be hard to tell what the problem is -- or even if there is one. Parenting can be frustrating sometimes. These resources have information about caring for babies. Just the thing to read when you can't sleep at night. Web:
Baby Names When you are expecting a baby, one of the biggest decisions you need to make is what to name your child. One way is to use the Net to look at a large selection of names and see what feels right. You can find out the meanings behind specific names, see what names are popular right now, and peruse special pairs of names for twins. However, if you want to save yourself a lot of time, my advice is just to name the baby Harley. Web:
Breastfeeding There are special issues that must be considered by mothers who breastfeed. These Internet resources are great places for talking about and reading about the problems and rewards of breastfeeding. Some of the topics include attachment parenting, weaning, extended nursing, nursing in public, working mothers who breastfeed, tandem nursing, societal attitudes toward nursing, and nursing during pregnancy. Web:
Child Activism Children's rights is the main topic for discussion in these Usenet groups. Read and post your own thoughts and ideas regarding the social and political issues relating to children. Hint: If your child is going to grow up to be famous, be careful what you say and do, as it may all end up in a book. Usenet:
Child Discipline To spank or not to spank -- that is the question. These groups mostly contain a long-running debate about whether it is morally and politically acceptable to spank children. However, there are occasional threads about alternative methods of discipline and hints on "positive parenting". My personal hint is to speak softly, and carry a big stick. Usenet:
Child Safety Many accidents are avoidable. However, the little ones can't plan for themselves, so we have to make sure that our houses, cars and play areas are safe. There are so many possible ways a kid can get into trouble that it is difficult to think of them all yourself. My suggestion is to visit these Web sites and take the time to go over the lists of safety information. I bet you'll find yourself saying, "I never would have thought of that." Web:
Child Safety on the Internet If you are worried about your kids wandering around the Internet by themselves, have a look at these tips that will give you a better idea of how to protect young minds from inappropriate material. Web:
Child Support How do you stand on issues of custody and child support? Find out the thoughts of others affected by these issues and learn about current legislation. Usenet:
Children What they don't tell you when you have your first child is that no one knows how to be a parent. You have to make it up as you go along. Your children will bring you the best experiences and the worst experiences you will ever have. The best thing about kids is that they are small people that you can raise to become productive, well-adjusted human beings. The worst thing is that, at some point, your children are guaranteed to drive you nuts. When this happens, you will find this book to be an invaluable tool. Just take it out, show it to your kids and say, "Boy, I bet it would be really embarrassing to get spanked with such a nice book." Web:
Children with Special Needs Raising a child with a disability is difficult, and doing a good job can be time-consuming, tiring and expensive. But perhaps worst of all, spending a lot of time with a child with special needs can be a lonely experience for you. If you have such a child, you may enjoy participating in this mailing list, and browsing the associated Web site. This is a support group for parents or others who care for children with physical or mental developmental disabilities. It is important for you to remember that such problems are common, and you are not alone. Talking with other people who face similar problems and challenges can make all the difference in the world. Web:
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Dads Dads are people too, but as a friend of mine observed, it takes a long time to train them. If there is one thing the Age of Divorce has taught us, it is that fathers are extremely important to the emotional well-being of their children. Unfortunately, there aren't a lot of places where fathers (and fathers-to-be) can meet with other men and hear about their experiences. The Net can help fill that gap. Web:
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Majordomo Mailing List:
Majordomo Mailing List:
Family Resources When I was a kid, our family used to have a great time on Saturday nights, gathered around the computer -- in those days, it was an old black and white job -- exploring the Internet together. Then we'd all go out for ice cream, and run around having good-natured fun. Yup, no doubt about it, the family that Webs together, does something or other together. But don't take my word for it. Here are some places to visit together. (Don't forget the ice cream.) Web:
Fathers' Rights Kids do best when they have two strong, caring parents, both a mother and a father. Unfortunately, after a separation or divorce, many mothers do not see the need for the father to stay continually involved with the children, especially when the mother and father do not get along well. All too often, the rights of the father are ignored by the legal system. If you find yourself in this position, or you are about to get divorced, use these resources to find out what you can do to ensure that you will have the necessary opportunities to be the best father you can be. Web:
Foster Parents Being a foster parent can be tricky and can test your ability to adapt to new situations. However, the Net has great support groups with other foster parents. Foster parents gather on the Net to talk about their joys and experiences. The Web sites have a great deal of information about children's specific physical and mental conditions and how to deal with them, as well as articles and hints on foster parenting and a bulletin board to which you can post messages. Web:
Listserv Mailing List:
Grandparents Raising Grandchildren For one reason or another, many children are being raised by their grandparents. If you are such a grandparent, these Web sites can be a real help. You will find articles and tips, information about relevant laws (such as adoption), and more. Perhaps the best resource is people: other grandparents who are raising grandchildren. You can talk to other grandparents by participating in the Usenet discussion group. Web:
Internet Filtering Software There are many great resources on the Net for kids, and there is no reason why children should be deprived of exploring the Internet just because they might accidentally encounter some inappropriate content (that is, sex). These sites have links to companies that have designed software that helps filter out what you don't want your kids to see. Web:
Jewish Family Life There's more to Jewish home life than food and guilt. (At least, I think there is :-) There are many Jewish family resources on the Net for you to use and enjoy, including an active, thoughtful Usenet group in which Jewish parents hold ongoing discussions. If you are isolated from a Jewish community, it's hard to instill your children with the cultural values you hold to be important. The Net can help. As part of these resources, I have included some FAQs (frequently asked question lists) about rearing children and a reading list relevant for Jewish children. Web:
Kids, Computers and Software I have never met a child who didn't like computers. In these Usenet groups, you can talk about the best computers and hardware for children, as well as educational and entertainment software. The Web site has shareware that I am sure your kids will enjoy (when they are not sneaking behind your back to connect to inappropriate Web sites). Web:
Military Moms Military families have quite a life, and these Web sites have lots of resources that can help. These sites are for any military family: active, veteran, retired or reserve. Find support groups and new friends, advice on parenting, moving tips, and stuff for kids. When military living gets tough, the tough get going on the Net. Web:
Missing Children If you have a missing child, or if you think you may have found such a child, the Net can help. These Web sites allow you to read descriptions and look at photos of missing children. If you have such a child yourself, you can find help, including arranging for your child's information to be posted on the Net. Be careful of scams, though. I found a multi-level marketing company on the Net that plays on people's emotions ("A Child Is Missing Every 40 Seconds in America") to sell "child protection systems". Web:
Moms Moms, rev up your Internet connection and check out all the places that are designed especially for you. Hang out in one of the many chat rooms or browse the nice selection of articles while sipping a hot cup of cappuccino. You'll find a little bit of everything here: health, beauty, taking care of the kids, child safety, gardening, cleaning, entertaining, seasonal articles, and more. Web:
Parenting Resources If you are bored and you want to read some new stuff about parenting, check out these Web sites. They have information on just about every topic imaginable related to parenting, step-parenting, parenting multiples, fatherhood, pregnancy, breastfeeding, health, education, and family activities. You will never run out of things to read on the Net. And, if you do, you can always have a couple more kids. Web:
Parenting Talk and General Discussion Raising children is more than a full-time occupation: it's a way of life that brings challenges, sacrifices and rewards. It can also be confusing and frustrating at times, and there is certainly no end of topics that need to be discussed. There are many, many parents on the Net who love to talk. Join them in these Usenet discussion groups. Usenet:
Parents and Children Together Online Here is an online magazine that both parents and children can enjoy. For the children, there are delightful, entertaining stories and articles. For adults, there are features about parenting, as well as reviews of books and products. Web:
Parents and Teens When I was younger, I lived with a woman who had a teenage daughter who shall remain nameless (Johanna). Today, Johanna is a lovely young woman, close to my heart. However, having lived with her as a teenager, I can give you two invaluable pieces of advice. First, no matter how cute or lovable your little one may be as a child, she (or he) will inevitably turn into an alien. Second, if your teenager wants to keep a pet rat, do not let her, under any circumstances, take the rat out of its cage and let it get loose inside the sofa. Usenet:
Pregnancy and Childbirth Pregnancy is exciting and exhilarating, but it can be awfully scary if it is your first time. At these Web sites, you can find out what is going to happen at every stage of your pregnancy. Read stories about birth, what labor is like, and find out information on birth procedures such as caesarians and episiotomies. The Usenet group is for the discussion of pregnancy and pregnancy-related issues. Web:
Premature Infants The normal human gestation period -- the time between conception and birth -- is about 280 days (40 weeks). Babies that are born significantly before the full term (six weeks or more) are said to be premature. Premature infants face a special set of problems. First, because their bodies are not fully developed, they may have trouble surviving. Second, premature babies who do survive have a greater than normal chance of suffering from a disability. Here are some resources to help parents understand the problems and considerations unique to premature infants. My experience is that having authoritative information can make a medical situation much easier to bear. However, doctors are often too busy to spend a long time explaining technical matters to patients' families. If you have a premature infant, these resources can help you understand what is happening, and what you can do to help your child. Web:
Majordomo Mailing List:
Products for Children If you have children, you probably don't get much choice about what toys you want to give them. Children know what they want, and they have their own ways of getting it. However, if you want to get the lowdown on what is best for children -- as if they care -- check out this guide. This site reviews toys and entertainment products for children, and also has hints for parents about what to select for particular age groups. The Usenet group is for discussion of consumer issues that relate to children. Web: Usenet:
Single Parents Some of my best friends are single parents -- single Moms, actually -- and they are all wonderful people. However, their lives are hard: parenting is really a two-person job. Moreover, it's a 24-hour-a-day job that requires you to be prepared for the unexpected. I asked a friend of mine, who is a single Mom, what advice she would give to other single Moms. She said, "Get married so you are not a single parent any more." I asked her, "How do you do that?" "If I knew," she said, "I wouldn't be a single Mom." Web:
Step-Parents Step-parents have come a long way since the days of Cinderella. True, being a step-parent can be a difficult job, but in today's world, step-parents are a fact of life, and many of us are called upon to blend into another family. Rest assured, if you have problems, you are not on your own. Web:
Summer Camps Some of my most important memories are of the summers I spent going to Camp New Moon in Southern Ontario in Canada. I made friends, learned to participate in various ongoing camp traditions, and acquired many different skills, such as swimming, canoeing, sailing and horseback riding. However, it wasn't all good. I had trouble with much of the social interaction, and I did spend some of the time being lonely and unhappy. Still, my summers at camp were growing experiences that, ultimately, had a significant effect on my character as an adult. When it comes time to send your kids to camp, it is important to select the camp that is right for them. The Internet can help, especially if your children have special health considerations. Hint: Look for a place that your kids will find fun and relaxing. Web:
Surrogate Motherhood A surrogate mother is a woman who conceives a baby and carries it to term on behalf of someone else. In most cases, the someone else is a couple who cannot have children of their own. When the baby is born, it is given to the couple to raise. The pregnancy can be initiated in two ways: the surrogate mother can be impregnated with the sperm of the father (via artificial insemination), or an egg from the mother that has been fertilized by the father can be implanted in the surrogate mother's uterus. In either case, there is a lot to consider and a lot to know. Web:
Teaching with Movies It used to be that helping your kids learn required time and mental effort. You might have to explain how things work, discuss complicated ideas, or maybe even show the little crumb-grabbers how to do algebra problems. Not anymore. Now you can help your kids just by watching movies. No guff! All the information you need is here on this Web site. They even select the movies for you. All you need to do is drive to the store, rent the video, and see that the popcorn bowl stays full. Who says parenting is hard? Web:
Traveling with Children Some children are great travelers; others will drive you crazy. Of course, a lot depends on temperament, but there are things you can do to enhance the experience. First, tell yourself that your trip will be a big adventure, and that getting there will be as much fun as being there. Second, prepare your children in advance for what they can expect during the trip and how you want them to act. Third, treat them like little humans, not like gremlins. Fourth, no matter what happens, laugh. Web:
Twins and Triplets The nice thing about multiple births is that you can have all your kids at once. No more Lamaze classes, no more packing the emergency hospital bag, no more late-night frantic phone calls to family members. Yes, now that you have lots and lots of babies on your hands, you can rest easy (sort of). The Web sites have resources for parents of twins and triplets (or more). The Usenet group is for the discussion of raising multiple birth children. Web:
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