Anagrams Anagrams are something you can do no matter where you are or what is going on. For instance, if you're in traffic and there is nothing on the radio but ads for hair replenishing cream, you can make up all sorts of anagrams by rearranging the letters of all of Henry the VIII's wives' names. This will be good practice so when you are at a party and word gets around that you are the county anagram champion you will be able to demonstrate your talents with grace and elegance. Web:
Bubbles I have a wonderful battery-operated bubble gun, and sometimes when I need to take a break from writing, I will go out on the patio and make some bubbles. Occasionally, my cat will lounge on a nearby railing and sniff at the bubbles as they slowly float by, carried on their upward journey by the cool ocean breeze. If you think you would enjoy being a bubble person, check out this great bubble site and learn about the history of bubbles, how to make bubble tools, and how to create your own bubble solution. Web: Fortune Telling Why wonder about the future, when you can find out your fortune right now? Here are some Web sites that will put you in touch with the all-knowing universal spirit. After all, why guess about the days to come, when you can have a computer program guess for you? Web:
Madlibs Are you one of those people who likes to fill in the blanks, so much, that you finish other people's sentences as they are talking? Do your friends urge you to go to Logorrhians Anonymous? Is your sense of order offended by empty spaces? If so, you will love Madlibs. Just fill in the blanks by specifying some words, and watch how they are woven into a cute story before your very ears. Web:
Mystery Solving Got a few minutes? Here are short mysteries you can try to solve whenever you have a spare moment. There are new stories posted every week, so, if you are a mystery buff, you will enjoy visiting this site regularly. To test your skills, take a look at the archive of past mysteries and their solutions. Web:
Payphone Project Do you like to talk to strangers in faraway places? If so, this is the Web site for you. The Payphone Project lists the numbers of payphones around the world. When you need a break from the humdrum reality of everyday life, take a few minutes and call a payphone in an exotic location, like the Eiffel Tower in Paris, the subway platform underneath Times Square in New York, or across the street from a popular teenage hangout in Hulbert, Oklahoma. Web:
Quizzes and Surveys When you read a magazine that has one of those quizzes ("How compatible are you and your significant other?"), do you always answer the questions? If so, you'll love spending your time at these sites, taking various quizzes, only some of which are serious. Once you work your way through the quizzes, you can visit their more self-righteous cousins, the surveys and opinion polls. Web:
Tinwhistles The tinwhistle, also called the pennywhistle, is a low-cost 6-hole fipple flute. (With a fipple flute, you blow into a mouthpiece at one end of the instrument. Compare it to a regular flute which has a mouthpiece on the side of the instrument which you blow across.) There are two fun things about tinwhistles: they are cheap (in fact, cheaper tinwhistles are better than expensive ones), and they are easy to play. Like any musical instrument, it takes practice and talent to play a tinwhistle well, and you can meet such accomplished people on the Net. However, if you just want to make a vague musical noise and pester as many people as possible (something you won't understand unless you were ever a boy), a tinwhistle is the instrument of choice. Web:
Web Soap Operas I don't watch television, so I miss out on the portion of the popular culture having to do with the daily lives of imaginary people having imaginary trials and tribulations in imaginary places. However, on the Net, I can tune into a Web-based soap opera whenever I want. I don't have to wait for a particular time of day, and I don't have to be interrupted by commercials. Web:
Weird Sites We all know there are weird people on the Net, but until you visit this Web site, you can't appreciate the full extent of mankind's eccentricity. Browse through this wacko-inspired craziness, and it won't be long till you start wondering if Man is really Nature's last word. Web: |
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