
Backlash is a magazine that rallies the troops against various unfair political beliefs. In particular, I am including the magazine here because Backlash comes out strongly against male stereotypes. My advice is to visit this site and explore the Sexism section, where you will find features, news and regular columns written from the male point of view.


Friends of Choice for Men

View the idea of "choice" from a man's point of view. The Friends of Choice for Men promote the idea that men should not be forced into fatherhood. This organization works for the equality between men's and women's reproductive rights. The Friends of Choice for Men offer articles, stories and other resources that promote choice for men.


Guy Rules

Yes, there are rules that govern the behavior of men, and, yes, most of them are pretty funny. Read the rules (sent in by guys) and learn about cars, wives, sports, partying, and other types of male-type stuff. Then take the Guy Rules Test and see if you might be able to make it as a guy.


Hair Loss

As a man gets older, his strength, vitality and sex drive begin to wane. However, as long as he can maintain the illusion of youth, a man can still pretend (at least to himself) that he is not really so old and that his sense of personal power is, as yet, undiminished. Unfortunately, hair loss is a visible sign of aging that is obvious to everyone. The problem is especially important to men who lose their hair prematurely: they still feel young, but they look old. For this reason, balding men have always been suckers for expensive treatments that purport to grow hair. Men, here is what I think. When you try to cover your bald spot by combing the hair on the side of your head over the top, you're not really fooling anyone. Trying to look younger than your real age is a game you can only lose. So my advice is to learn to be gracious about getting older. (In case you don't take my advice, here are some resources about hair loss and what you can do about it.)



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Men's Health

Men have health concerns all their own, and here are some Web sites that address the issues. Learn how to stay healthy by having a good diet and doing the right type of exercise. If you do have health problems, you will be able to find information to help you understand what is happening. And, of course, there are articles and resources about sex, just in case you need to brush up on a few more factoids.


Men's Issues

Check out this great collection of men's issues resources. These pages cover topics such as attitudes toward men, domestic violence, employment, fatherhood, health, history of men's movements, romance and relationships, the justice system, and much more. You will also find reviews of books and links to information about various men's organizations.



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Men's Resources

Men learn at an early age that the qualities that come naturally (aggressiveness, ambition, sexuality, and watching sports) must be tempered and redirected in socially acceptable ways. However, somewhere along the way, society has been redefining what it expects and requires from men, and trying to be a good man is like shooting at a moving target. Use these resources to help you understand maleness, and to see what other thoughtful men around the world have to say. No matter what anyone may say, there is always a place in the world for someone who is not afraid to kill a spider.


Men's Talk and General Discussion

Okay, men, this is the place where we can talk about whatever we want without having to worry about being sensitive or politically correct. For the purposes of this book, I will say that in the men's discussion group we talk about work, relationships, feminism, health, and other such topics. (But I'm sure you know what we really discuss.)



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Self-Help for Men

If things are not going your way, do a little reading that will inspire, comfort or assist you in problem-solving. Read these articles and archives of self-help resources for men. There are also links to other self-help sites.
