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HARLEY HAHN'S USENET CENTER Illustrated Hands-On Guide to Usenet Consultez la version française de ce guide.
In order to access Usenet, you need to have an account with a Usenet service provider. Typically, this costs about $5 to $30 a month depending on the level of service. To me, that's a bargain. There are many Usenet service providers, so you have a large choice. (I discuss this in detail in the tutorial.) Thus, the first thing you need to do is open an account with one of these companies. Some of the Usenet providers offer a free trial, so you can try their service without spending any money. You do need to register with a credit card, but if you cancel within trial period there is no charge, so you have nothing to lose. Indeed, this is a great way to try out a Usenet service provider for free. (I have done it myself.) After you register, your provider will email you a welcome message that will contain your user name and password. Wait for that message to arrive — it shouldn't take too long — and then continue. If you already have a Usenet account and you know how to access it, you can continue right now.
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