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Illustrated Hands-On Guide to Usenet

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Are you confused? No problem.
Try this illustrated, step-by-step guide to Usenet.

Usenet is a vast, worldwide system of discussion groups, used for both discussion and file sharing. If you have wondered what it is like to use Usenet, you are in the right place.

All you have to do is read through this easy-to-understand, fully illustrated guide to Usenet and, in just a few minutes, you'll be up and running. And the best part is, I will show you how to find everything you need, right now, and try it out for free.

To get you started, I'll explain how to arrange for an account with a Usenet service provider. Then I'll show you how to download and install the software you need to use Usenet.

Once you are up and running, you and I will work through the most important Usenet skills, one step at a time. Along the way, I'll teach you how to use Usenet for the three most popular activities:

• Searching for photos
• Reading messages from other people
• File sharing

After you finish this hands-on guide, you will probably want to learn more about Usenet and how it works. The best way to do this is to read my Usenet Tutorial:

Harley Hahn's Usenet Tutorial

If you don't want to take the time right now, I understand. Just follow along with me and Casey (the dog) and, in a few minutes, you and I will be using Usenet together. Later, when you get more time, you can read the tutorial and explore the rest of Harley Hahn's Usenet Center.

Usenet Terminology:
Newsgroups, Newsreaders, News Servers

Before we start, I want to take a moment to explain some quick terminology.

For historical reasons, Usenet discussion groups are usually referred to as NEWSGROUPS. (It's just a name. Usenet is used for discussion and file sharing, not for news distribution.)

To access Usenet, you run a program on your computer to connect to a remote computer that contains the Usenet data. The program is called a NEWSREADER; the system to which you connect is called a NEWS SERVER.

Thus, our first goal is to arrange for you to have access to a Usenet news server. We will then install a newsreader program on your computer. At this point, you will be able to use Usenet.

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Illustrated Hands-on Guide to Usenet

1. Introduction, Usenet Terminology
2. Arranging for Usenet Access
3. Installing Software: NewsBin
4. Starting to Use Usenet
5. Our Strategy
6. Orienting Yourself to NewsBin
7. Downloading the Newsgroup List
8. Searching for Pictures
9. Reading Text Articles
10. File Sharing
Reference Material