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Are you concerned about your children's safety?

No need to worry, as long as you understand a few basic ideas. See "Children and the Internet" on page 274.

Do you need to worry about computer viruses?

Not if you take the simple precautions described in "How to Guard Against Email Viruses" on page 267.

Is your privacy at risk when you use the Web? Do you need to worry when you spend money online?

The truth may surprise you. See "Is It Safe to Send Personal Information Over the Web?" on page 252.

Find the information you want quickly — without being overwhelmed by irrelevant details.

Take a look at "Search Engines" on page 231.

Never pay for software again.

Tens of thousands of programs are available for free, if you know how to find them. Read "Programs and Downloading" on page 205.

Find all the music you'll ever want — for free! Make your own CDs!

Start by reading "Downloading Mp3 Files from the Internet" on page 205.

What's involved in making your own Web site?

Get started by reading "Creating Your Own Web Site" on page 331.


   How to Make Online Life Work for You   

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  • What Is "Harley Hahn's Internet Advisor?"
  • Ordering Information
  • List of Chapters
  • Detailed Table of Contents
  • Information About Other Harley Hahn Books

    What is "Harley Hahn's Internet Advisor?"

    Do you ever feel frustrated when you use the Internet?

    Do you feel inadequate when something goes wrong and you don't know what to do?

    Are you confused when you want to find some information and you don't know where to start?

    Let Harley show you everything you need to understand to use the Internet well:

    How to choose a computer.
    How to choose an ISP (Internet service provider). Be sure to read this before you sign up for AOL.
    How to send and receive email, including special techniques most people never learn.
    How to use the Web like a pro, including the search tricks that Harley uses in his own work.
    How to find all the free software you will ever need, and what you need to do to use it on your computer.
    How to find free music on the Net.
    How to use the global system of Usenet discussion groups.
    How to use (free, non-commercial) mailing lists to participate in discussions via email.
    How to create your own Web site.
    How to get your own domain name (such as

    Along the way, Harley will explain every important technical term and technical idea. By the time you finish the book, you will be completely comfortable using the Internet.

    If Harley's books are new to you, you will enjoy being introduced to his friendly, pleasant style. Indeed, "Harley Hahn's Internet Advisor" is a book you will enjoy reading from cover to cover.

    Ordering Information
        Title: Harley Hahn's Internet Advisor
       Author: Harley Hahn
    Publisher: Que Publishing
         ISBN: 0-7897-2697-1
        Pages: 478
        Price: $19.99 U.S.
    List of Chapters

    Chapter 1      Understanding the Internet

    Chapter 2 An Overview of the Internet

    Chapter 3 Everything You Need to Connect to the Net

    Chapter 4 Internet Addresses

    Chapter 5 Mail

    Chapter 6 Using Mail Well

    Chapter 7 The Web

    Chapter 8 Talking to People on the Net

    Chapter 9 Downloading and Installing Software

    Chapter 10 Music on the Net

    Chapter 11 Finding Stuff on the Net

    Chapter 12 Safety, Security and Privacy

    Chapter 13 Usenet

    Chapter 14 Mailing Lists

    Chapter 15 Creating Your Own Web Site

    Chapter 16 Getting Your Own Domain Name

    Chapter 17 How to Do Stuff

    Appendix A List of Top-Level Internet Domains

    Appendix B Time Zones on the Internet

    Appendix C Abbreviations Used While Talking on the Net


    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1  Understanding the Internet

       • What Is the Internet?
       • What Is It Like to Use the Net?
       • The Secret of the Internet: Clients and Servers
       • How TCP/IP Makes the Internet Work
       • Talking About the Net
       • Words to Avoid
       • Who Runs the Internet?
       • Where Is the Center of the Net?
       • Pornography, Bad People, and Other Evil Things Hastening
         the Downfall of Civilization

    Chapter 2  An Overview of the Internet

       • What Can You Do on the Net?
       • A Quick Overview of Email
       • A Quick Overview of the Web
       • The Parts of the Web
       • Internet Talk Facilities
       • Downloading Free Software
       • A Quick Overview of Usenet
       • A Quick Overview of Mailing Lists
       • Advertising and Spam
       • Telnet
       • Making Sense of It All

    Chapter 3  Everything You Need to Connect to the Net

       • The Summary in Advance
       • Processors
       • Memory
       • Disks Drives
       • CD Drives
       • Operating Systems (Windows)
       • Software
       • What Type of Computer Should You Buy?
       • How Much Should You Pay for a Computer?
       • Types of Internet Connections
       • The Speed of an Internet Connection
       • Analog and Digital
       • Modems
       • Dialup Connections
       • Upstream and Downstream
       • DSL
       • Cable
       • What Type of Internet Services Are Available?
       • Why You Might Want Two Internet Accounts
       • Finding Internet Service Providers (ISPs)
       • Choosing an ISP
       • Does It Matter If Your Dialup ISP Has Lots of POPs?
       • What About AOL?
       • The Summary Once Again

    Chapter 4  Internet Addresses

       • Hostnames and Top-level Domains
       • Why Are There Two Types of Top-level Domains?
       • Exceptions to the Rules
       • Countries that Sell Access to Their Top-Level Domains
       • Understanding Hostnames
       • Domains
       • IP Addresses
       • DNS
       • How DNS Works for You
       • Mail Addresses
       • URLs
       • File Names and Extensions
       • Directories and Subdirectories
       • Pathnames
       • URL Abbreviations
       • Case-Sensitive Pathnames
       • What a ~ (Tilde) Means in a Pathname
       • Putting It All Together

    Chapter 5  Mail

       • The Basic Ideas
       • SMTP Servers and POP Servers
       • IMAP Servers
       • Web-based Mail Services
       • Which Mail Program Should You Use?
       • The Parts of a Message
       • The Most Important Header Lines
       • A Few More Header Lines
       • The Body of a Message
       • Attachments
       • Signatures
       • How Mail Is Stored (Folders)
       • Address Lines Within the Header (To, Cc, Bcc)
       • Using an Address Book
       • Replying
       • Forwarding
       • Understanding Mail Error Messages

    Chapter 6  Using Mail Well

       • Email Conventions
       • Have a Mail Address of Your Own
       • Make Your Messages Easy to Read
       • How to Make Sure Your Messages Look Good
       • Thank-You Notes
       • Smileys and Other Communication Conventions
       • Be Careful What You Write
       • Is It Okay to Use HTML in a Mail Message?
       • Putting URLs in Messages
       • Sending Mail to a Group of People
       • Finding Someone's Mail Address
       • Spam and Privacy
       • Harley Hahn's List of 7 Ways to Keep Your Email Address Private
       • Filters

    Chapter 7  The Web

       • The Basic Ideas
       • Options and Preferences
       • Blocking Advertisements
       • Where to Get Help
       • Entering a URL
       • The Fastest Way to Enter a URL with Internet Explorer
       • Using AutoComplete with Internet Explorer
       • Navigating
       • Reading a Web Page
       • Right-Clicking
       • What to Do When a URL Doesn't Work
       • Managing Your Browser Window
       • Opening a New Browser Window
       • Reloading a Web Page (the Cache)
       • Creating a Shortcut to a Web Page
       • Saving URLs in a List
       • Internet Explorer: Using the Favorites List
       • Sending a URL or a Web Page to Someone
       • Setting Your Home Page

    Chapter 8  Talking on the Net

       • The Basic Ideas
       • Instant Messaging
       • Chat Rooms
       • Abbreviations Used While Talking
       • Voice Chatting and Video Chatting
       • IRC: Internet Relay Chat
       • Muds
       • Expectations and Reality
       • Net Sex

    Chapter 9  Downloading and Installing Software

       • File Types and Extensions
       • Opening a File
       • Plug-ins
       • ActiveX Controls
       • Programs and Downloading
       • Downloading a Program
       • FTP and Anonymous FTP
       • Installing a Program
       • Installing a Program Automatically
       • Uninstalling a Program

    Chapter 10  Music on the Net

       • What You Need to Listen to Music on Your Computer
       • Music File Types
       • Streaming
       • Music Software
       • Radio and Broadcasting on the Net
       • Learning to Work with Mp3 Files and CDs
       • Creating Mp3 Files from CDs
       • Downloading Mp3 Files from the Internet
       • Listening to Mp3 Files
       • The Issue of Copyright
       • CD-RW Drives
       • Creating Your Own Music CDs

    Chapter 11  Finding Stuff on the Net

       • Starting a Search
       • Search Engines
       • Techniques for Using a Search Engine
       • Usenet Search Engines
       • Accessing Your Favorite Search Engines Quickly
       • The Internet Explorer Search Facility
       • Cool Browser Tricks
       • FAQs (Frequently Asked Question Lists)
       • Web Rings
       • An Approach to Searching the Net

    Chapter 12  Safety, Security and Privacy

       • Is It Safe to Send Personal Information Over the Web?
       • Spending Money on the Net
       • Unnecessary Security Warnings
       • Secure Connections
       • Cookies
       • Java and ActiveX
       • Security Settings in Your Browser
       • Computer Viruses
       • Email Attachments and Viruses
       • How to Guard Against Email Viruses
       • Protecting Against Email Viruses with Outlook Express
       • Antivirus Programs
       • Macro Viruses
       • Virus Hoaxes
       • Spyware
       • Children and the Internet
       • Harley Hahn’s Guidelines for Happy Family Internet Usage
       • Filtering Software and Rating Systems

    Chapter 13  Usenet

       • The Basic Ideas
       • How Does Usenet Work?
       • Web-Based Discussion Groups
       • The Usenet Tradition of Freedom
       • What Newsreader Should You Use?
       • News Servers
       • Newsgroups and Hierarchies
       • Configuring Your Newsreader
       • Reading Usenet Articles
       • The Format of a Usenet Article
       • Moderated Newsgroups
       • FAQs (Frequently Asked Question Lists)
       • Usenet Slang
       • Pictures (Binaries)
       • Posting an Article
       • Finding What You Want on Usenet
       • How Are Newsgroups Created?

    Chapter 14  Mailing Lists

       • The Basic Ideas
       • How Are Mailing Lists Different from Usenet Newsgroups?
       • Mailing List Programs: Listserv, Listproc and Majordomo
       • Subscribing and Unsubscribing to a Mailing List
       • Keeping the Addresses Straight
       • Mailing List Commands
       • Finding Mailing Lists
       • Starting Your Own Mailing List
       • Mailing List Gateways

    Chapter 15  Creating Your Own Web Site

       • HTML
       • The Components of a Web Page
       • Web Page Editors
       • Pictures and Sounds
       • Web Page Design Tips
       • Finding a Server to Host Your Web Site
       • Promoting Your Web Site

    Chapter 16  Getting Your Own Domain Name

       • How to Get Your Own Domain Name
       • Registering a Domain Name
       • Choosing a Domain Name
       • Using Whois to Check a Domain Name
       • Specifying Contact Names When You Register a Domain Name

    Chapter 17  How to Do Stuff

       • How to Set the Date and Time on Your Computer
       • How to Use the Windows Clipboard
       • How to Change Your Mouse to Be Left-handed

    Internet Explorer
       • How to Control the Appearance of Your Browser
       • How to Tell Your Browser to Not Underline Links
       • How to Change the Cache Settings
       • How to Control and Delete Cookies, Internet Explorer 6
       • How to Control and Delete Cookies, Internet Explorer 5.5 or older
       • How to Customize the Search Facility
       • How to Specify Which Search Engine to Use for
         Address Bar Searches

    Outlook Express
       • How to Display the Full Header of a Mail Message
       • How to Turn Off HTML in Mail Messages
       • How to Attach a File to a Mail Message
       • How to Create a Signature
       • How to Resend a Mail Message
       • How to Search for a Mail Address
       • How to Configure Your Newsreader

    Appendix A  List of Top-Level Internet Domains

    Appendix B  Time Zones on the Internet

    Appendix C  Abbreviations Used While Talking on the Net
