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Harley Hahn Books

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Harley Hahn's Guide to Unix and Linux

A friendly, authoritative guide to the Unix/Linux family of operating systems. A personal introduction to tools that were written by smart people for smart people.

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Harley Hahn's Internet Yellow Pages,
2005 Edition

A fascinating, comprehensive and enjoyable guide to life, annotated with thousands of Internet resources. The best-selling Internet book of all time.

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Harley Hahn's Internet Advisor

Want to be comfortable using the Net? Start from the beginning and, before long, you'll be using the Web, email, Usenet discussion groups, and mailing lists; downloading and installing software: sharing music; and much more.

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Harley Hahn's Internet Insecurity

An intelligent person's guide to thinking about the Internet and modern life. Society, technology, business, politics, psychology, history, philosophy, relationships, money; computers, the Internet, security — you're in for a lot of interesting surprises.

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