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Harley Hahn's
Internet Yellow

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Harley Hahn's Internet
Yellow Pages,
2005 Edition

What's new for 2005?

What was new in 2004?

What is Harley Hahn's
Internet Yellow Pages?

Harley Hahn's Internet Yellow Pages is an online book: a compendium of wit, wisdom and Internet resources. I believe you will find it to be one of the most enjoyable and informative books you will ever read.

Inside Harley Hahn's Internet Yellow Pages, you'll find essays and commentary on thousands of different topics, organized into 193 different categories.

Within these categories, you'll find over 3,600 items. Each item is annotated with Internet resources, such as Web sites, Usenet discussion groups, mailing lists and IRC channels, making this book the very best reference for finding whatever you want on the Net, quickly and easily.

For parents and children, there is a special section for younger readers, The Little Nipper's Internet Clubhouse (more information below).

You'll use Harley Hahn's Internet Yellow Pages over and over, to amuse yourself and to explore the Internet. And your kids will the online book to help with their homework and Internet research for school.

Thousands of free Internet resources

Harley Hahn's Internet Yellow Pages is not only an extraordinary directory of Internet resources, but a personal guide to life. You'll find information about:

  • Families, Kids and Parenting
  • Romance, Dating and Sex
  • Health and Nutrition
  • Money and Investing
  • People, Culture and Human Behavior
  • Cooking and Recipes
  • Animals and Pets
  • Religion and Spirituality
  • Jobs and the Workplace
  • Music, Art and Literature
  • Sports, Games and Amusements
  • Secrets, Intrigue and Gossip
  • Science, Mathematics and Engineering

and much, much more, including entertaining, humorous, and interesting diversions.

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The Little Nipper's Internet Clubhouse

The Little Nipper's Internet Clubhouse is the special children's section of Harley Hahn's Internet Yellow Pages.

My cat, The Little Nipper, is the host of this part of the book. As such, he will introduce your children to a variety of interesting and educational resources.

All of these resources are safe for children. You can use the Internet with them or, if they are old enough, let them explore The Little Nipper's Internet Clubhouse on their own.

My goal is to encourage your children to use the Internet in a wholesome way, as an alternative to watching television.

I have designed The Little Nipper's Internet Clubhouse around four different sections, similar to theme areas in an amusement park:

Explore and Learn
Fun Stuff
Books for Kids
Stories to Read on the Net

Within these sections, you'll find over 60 kid-friendly topics, written and researched specifically for children. Your kids will also enjoy reading a story written personally by The Little Nipper (with a little help from me).

If your children would like to see a picture of The Little Nipper — or send him email — you can visit him at his very own Web site:

The Little Nipper's Web Site

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A Personal Guide to Life

From 1994 to 2003, I published 10 yearly editions of Harley Hahn's Internet Yellow Pages. Over the years, as the Internet grew and expanded, I modified and expanded the book until, in time, it became the best-selling Internet book in history, selling over one million copies.

After working for 10 years on a print edition of the book, conditions changed. Hundreds of millions of people around the world were now using the Internet regularly, and it made more sense to offer the book as an online service than as a printed product available only in bookstores.

An Internet Guide for Modern Times

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List of Categories

Here is a list of the 193 categories you will find in the book, grouped by theme area.

 Contests and Competitions
 Holidays and Celebrations
 Martial Arts
 Outdoor Activities

Art and Creation
 Art Galleries and Exhibits
 Folklore, Myths and Legends
 Journalism and Media
 Literature: Classic Writers
 Literature: Contemporary Writers
 Literature Online: Books
 Literature Online: Collections
 Music: Genres
 Music: Instruments
 Music: Software
 Musical Artists: Current
 Musical Artists: Harley's Hall of Fame
 Musical Artists: Rock/Pop
 Poetry: Poets
 Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror

 Computers: Macintosh
 Computers: PCs
 Computers: Portable
 Computers: Reference
 Fonts and Typefaces

 Broadcasting on the Net
 Cool and Useful
 Cool but Useless
 Festivals, Amusements and Gatherings
 Humor and Jokes
 Pictures and Clip Art
 Television Shows: Current
 Television Shows: Genres
 Television Shows: Harley's Hall of Fame

 Computer Games
 Role Playing

 Diet and Nutrition
 Emergency and Disaster
 Medical Conditions
 Medicine: Alternative
 Support Groups

Humanities and Social Sciences
 History: Important People
 History: United States
 History: World
 Humanities and Social Sciences
 Language and Linguistics
 Languages: Specific
 Philosophy: Important People

Information and Learning
 Education: Colleges and Universities
 Education: K-12
 Education: Teaching
 FAQs (Frequently Asked Question Lists)
 Knowledge and Information
 News: International

 Devices and Gizmos Connected to the Net
 Finding Stuff on the Net
 Internet: Connecting to the Net
 Web: Creating Web Sites
 Web: Software

Kids and Families
 Animals and Pets
 Books for Kids
 Explore and Learn
 Families and Parenting
 Fun Stuff
 Stories to Read on the Net

Money and Business
 Business on the Net
 Consumer Information
 Jobs: Finding a Job
 Jobs: The Workplace
 Money: Business and Finance
 Money: Investing
 Money: Personal Finance

 Advice and Wisdom
 Behavior and Social Forces
 Love and Romance
 People: Famous and Interesting
 People: Fictional
 Personals and Dating
 Sex and Sexuality
 Talking on the Net

Popular Culture
 Body, Mind and Spirit
 Cooking and Recipes
 Fashion and Clothing
 Food and Drink
 Occult and Paranormal
 Places: Famous and Interesting
 Privacy and Security
 Secret Stuff
 UFOs and Aliens

 Earth Sciences
 Space Exploration

Society and Culture
 Government: International
 Government: United States
 Religion: Mainstream
 Religion: Sects, Cults & Denominations
 Religion: Spiritual Movements
 World Cultures: Cities
 World Cultures: Countries and Regions
 World Cultures: Discussion Groups

 Sports: Specific
 Sports Figures: Current
 Sports Figures: Harley's Hall of Fame

 Interesting Technologies
 Telephone and Telecom
 Video and Multimedia

 Boating and Sailing
 Cars and Trucks

And finally, a special place just for children and their parents...

The Little Nipper's Internet Clubhouse
 Explore and Learn
 Fun Stuff
 Books for Kids
 Stories to Read on the Net

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