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      August 8, 2003


"Instead of being pushed by the past,
 allow yourself to be pulled by the future."

 -- Harley Hahn

Harley Giving a Speech: August 12, 2003

I enjoy talking to my readers in person.  However,
I don't get the opportunity to do so as often as I
would like.

If you are anywhere near the Los Angeles area, I'd
like to invite you to hear me give a speech next
week.  This will also be a good time to ask me any
questions you may have.

On August 12, I will be the guest speaker at a
meeting of "The Users' Group Network", a large
computer users group based in the San Fernando

The information is as follows:

  Date: Tuesday, August 12th
  Time: 7:00 PM

  Place: Granada Pavilion
         11128 Balboa Blvd.
         Granada Hills, CA

You can find a map of the area at:

(Double-click on the link "Granada Pavilion".)

There is a $3.00 fee for non-members.

Below, you will find information about the event,
as described in the most recent newsletter of The
Users' Group Network.

If you live in the Los Angeles area, and you want
to learn more about The User's Group Network, you
can find their Web site at:


-- Harley Hahn


August 12 - Author Harley Hahn

For this Tuesday's meeting the author Harley Hahn
will be speaking. Harley is an uncommon
combination: a technically savvy expert who is
also a thoughtful philosopher. Among his
accomplishments, Harley has written 29 books and
is the best-selling Internet author in the world.
A full collection of his work is maintained in the
Special Collections Department of the UC Santa
Barbara library.

Harley is the author of "Harley Hahn's Internet
Yellow Pages," the first Internet book to sell
over 1,000,000 copies. He has also written "Harley
Hahn's Internet Advisor" and "Harley Hahn's
Internet Insecurity," both of which were nominated
for a Pulitzer Prize.

As a philosopher, Harley is known for his
insightful and iconoclastic ideas regarding modern
technology and our culture. His talk promises to
be a highly unusual one, during which he will
present a number of challenging ideas to help us
understand why -- in the Age of Information -- we
are the way we are.
