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      June 1, 2004


"In the long run, it's easier to maintain
 a relationship than to fix it."

 -- Harley Hahn

Relationships and the Internet

Have you ever wondered what are the signs that
someone is having an affair?

Most of the time, we don't have to worry about
such questions: we can depend on the ties that
bind to carry us from one day to the next without
questioning our relationships. After all,
connecting with other people is part of our
biology, and intimacy is important to everyone.

However, when infidelity enters our life — even
peripherally — doubts about someone else's
fidelity can quickly become enormously important.

At such times, most of us are at a loss as to what
we should do, even more so if we suspect that
someone we know is having an "online affair": that
is, a relationship carried out over the Internet.

So what should you do if you suspect that your
spouse — or a friend's spouse — is cavorting
with someone on the Net?

Take a look at the following essay, in which you
will find insight and advice regarding
relationships and the Internet, including a list
of 8 signs that your spouse is having an online

I'll also help you find resources that can assist
you if you suspect that your significant other is
being significant with other others.


"The Internet affects many aspects of life, even
those we hope might prove enduring enough to
resist the pressures of easy access to private
communication at a distance. In particular, many
relationships have been put in jeopardy by the
lure of long-distance 'romance'.

"In this essay, I will describe just such a case.
I'll then show you how to tell if your spouse is
having an online affair and, if so, what you
should do about it, especially if you are
interested in saving your relationship..."

Relationships and the Internet


Note: This essay is based on ideas taken from
Chapter 14 of my book "Harley Hahn's Internet
Insecurity". If you are a member of The Harley
Hahn Experience, you can click on the link below
and read the entire chapter instead of an excerpt.

Harley Hahn's Internet Insecurity, Chapter 14...

For more information about The Harley Hahn Experience...

-- Harley Hahn