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Harley Hahn's
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     August 20, 2005


"You learn best when you are engaged in
 something you care about that brings you

 -- Harley Hahn

Harley Hahn's Internet Yellow Pages is now online

Since 1993, I have been working on a project
called Harley Hahn's Internet Yellow Pages.  The
first product of this project was a book called
"The Internet Yellow Pages", published in
February, 1994.

Every year, for 10 years, I put out a new edition
and, eventually, it became the best-selling
Internet book in history.

As the Internet changed, I developed the book from
a simple directory into a personal guide to life,
annotated with thousands of Internet resources.
Today, Harley Hahn's Internet Yellow Pages
contains essays and commentary on over 3,600
topics organized into 193 categories.

In August 2003, I moved from publishing the Yellow
Pages as a printed book to publishing it online.
The full text of Harley Hahn's Internet Yellow
Pages became available on the Internet as part of
The Harley Hahn Experience, a premium content
site.  (You pay a small fee to join.)

Today, I am announcing that Harley Hahn's Internet
Yellow Pages is also available for free as part of
my main Web site.


The content of the free version of Harley Hahn's
Internet Yellow Pages is the same as you will find
on The Harley Hahn Experience.  The difference is
that the free version contains advertisements.

If you join the Harley Hahn Experience (for a one-
time fee of $20), you can use the Yellow Pages
without ads.  In addition, you will be able to
access a variety of other features, including the
full text of two other books, and a special Web
site for children and parents (The Little Nipper's
Internet Clubhouse).

This is the first time that Harley Hahn's Internet
Yellow Pages has been available online to the
general public, and I invite you to explore and
enjoy my work.  If you have your own Web site,
please feel free to link to the site.

Harley Hahn's Internet Yellow Pages

If you would like to support my work, please join
The Harley Hahn Experience.  I know you will enjoy
what you will find.

-- Harley Hahn