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Usenet Tutorial

Web-Based Discussion Groups

In a moment, we'll start talking about Usenet in detail. Before we do, I want to mention an alternative type of discussion facility: Web-based discussion groups.

Usenet is a vast, well-organized system with millions of participants, long-standing traditions, and thousands of discussion groups. However, it does take time and effort to learn how to use Usenet well. You need to learn how to use a newsreader program, and you need to understand how the system works.

There is an alternative to Usenet. There are a great many WEB-BASED DISCUSSION GROUPS, sometimes referred to as forums or message boards, that you can use for free. These discussion groups exist on Web sites, so they are easy to access. Instead of using a newsreader, you can simply use your browser.

Compared to Usenet groups, however, Web-based discussion groups, are less permanent, with a much smaller audience and a lot less variety. Moreover, the quality of the discussion is not nearly as good. For serious discussion, Usenet is the way to go.

Still, Web-based discussion groups do provide an easy way to share thoughts, ideas and opinions with other people, without having to spend a lot of time learning how to use new tools. If you'd like to try these types of groups, here are some Web sites to explore.

— hint —

Starting a Web-based discussion group is a great way to have your own private forum.

For example, you could start a discussion group specifically for your family, or for a group of your friends.

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