
Harley Hahn
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A Personal Note
from Harley Hahn

Unix Book
Home Page


List of Chapters

Table of Contents

List of Figures

   1   2   3
   4   5   6
   7   8   9
  10  11  12
  13  14  15
  16  17  18
  19  20  21
  22  23  24
  25  26


  A  B  C
  D  E  F
  G  H


• Alphabetical
• By category



Errors and



Home Page
& Overview

& Answers

The Unix Model
Curriculum &
Course Outlines

PowerPoint Files
for Teachers

Internet Resources

As part of the research for this book, I compiled a large list of Internet resources. In this section, you will find links to these resources, organized by chapter. These are the actual resources I used while writing, so as you peruse them you will be looking at the much of the same reference material I did as I wrote the book. (What you won't see, however, are the 71 Unix and Linux books in my library that also served as references.)

Note that these resources are not meant to be comprehensive. Indeed, the information in the text is far more comprehensive and easy to understand that most of what you will find in the Internet. Thus, when you find yourself in need of information, I suggest that you look in the book first.

Chapter 1   Introduction to Unix
Chapter 2   What Is Unix? What is Linux?
Chapter 3   The Unix Connection
Chapter 4   Starting to Use Unix
Chapter 5   GUIs: Graphical User Interfaces
Chapter 6   The Unix Work Environment
Chapter 7   Using the Keyboard With Unix
Chapter 8   Programs to Use Right Away
Chapter 9   Documentation: The Unix Manual and Info
Chapter 10   Command Syntax
Chapter 11   The Shell
Chapter 12   Using the Shell: Variables and Options
Chapter 13   Using the Shell: Commands and Customization
Chapter 14   Using the Shell: Initialization Files
Chapter 15   Standard I/O, Redirection, and Pipes
Chapter 16   Filters: Introduction and Basic Operations
Chapter 17   Filters: Comparing and Extracting
Chapter 18   Filters: Counting and Formatting
Chapter 19   Filters: Selecting, Sorting, Combining, and Changing
Chapter 20   Regular Expressions
Chapter 21   Displaying Files
Chapter 22   The vi Text Editor
Chapter 23   The Unix Filesystem
Chapter 24   Working With Directories
Chapter 25   Working With Files
Chapter 26   Processes and Job Control
Appendix A   Summary of Unix Commands Covered in This Book
Appendix B   Summary of Unix Commands by Category
Appendix C   Summary of vi Commands (see resources for Chapter 22)
Appendix D   The ASCII Code (+ Unicode)
Appendix E   What to Do If You Forget the Root Password
Appendix F   Time Zones and 24-Hour Time
Appendix G   Shell Options and Shell Variables (see resources Chapter 12)

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